Buying tickets online FAQs

It's really quick and easy to buy digital tickets on the web to use in our mobile app.

  • Tickets are instantly delivered for use in our mobile app
  • Tickets can be purchased for your own use or gifted to your nearest and dearest
  • We've set up subscriptions for specific tickets which means you can choose to renew your ticket automatically. So you'll always have a ticket to travel whenever you need it.

Buying tickets online - Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do I need an account to buy tickets from the website?
Answer: No. You can buy digital tickets from the website without an account. A voucher code will be sent to your designated email address which will enable you to claim your ticket. However, you can only buy a subscription for a ticket if you have an account and are logged in.

Question: Do I need to set up a new account to purchase tickets on the website?
Answer: If you have an existing account for the mobile app then you can use your existing username and password to log into the website.

Question: Can I gift a subscription ticket to a friend or family?
Answer: Yes, once you've created an account you can buy a ticket subscription and gift it to your nearest and dearest. When you buy a subscription you just enter their email address to send them a voucher code. They can claim their ticket using the ‘redeem' feature in the mobile app.

Question: If I buy a subscription is this a form of Direct Debit?
Answer: No, this is a much more flexible agreement. You don't need to sign any forms and it's really easy to cancel your subscription at any time by logging into the website and navigating to the account area.

Question: What happens to my existing ticket when I cancel my subscription?
Answer: When you cancel your subscription this stops future payments being taken and any further tickets from being purchased and delivered automatically. Cancelling your subscription does not affect your existing ticket.

Question: I just bought a ticket subscription by mistake. How do I cancel my ticket?
Answer: Contact our Customer Services Team. They will be happy to assist you.

Question: Will I lose any travel if I don't activate my subscription ticket immediately?
Answer: No. You'll find a new ticket in your account before your current ticket expires. This new ticket doesn't have to be activated until after the current one expires.

Question: What happens if the card I used for my subscription expires?
Answer: Our Payment Service Provider works with card networks and automatically attempts to update saved card details e.g. replacing an expired card or one that was reported lost or stolen. This allows you to continue using our service without interruption. Despite this we would still encourage you to keep your card details up-to-date using the ‘My account' area.

Question: Is buying tickets from the website secure?
Answer: Our designated Payment Service Provider has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. To accomplish this our provider makes use of best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security.

Question: What happens if you can't take a payment?
Answer: In the case of a one-off payment you will be redirected to the payment method stage of the checkout to try a different card. For subscriptions we will retry three times before automatically cancelling the subscription.

Question: Do subscription tickets automatically activate?
Answer: No, tickets aren't automatically activated.

Question: Can the price of my subscription change?
Answer: We do change the prices of our tickets from time to time, and this will include subscriptions.

If you have any other questions that are not covered, Contact our Customer Services Team. They will be happy to assist you.