the airline

The airline is a day and night airport coach service, taking you directly to Heathrow & Gatwick airports from Oxford.

We operate 24/7/365 with early and late departures.

You can book your seat in advance via our website. Our comfortable departure lounge at Gloucester Green Coach Station is at your disposal.

Go on the airline website


View the airline timetable

Please ensure you are at the bus stop at least 10 mins before the coach is due. The arrival times provided are estimates and can be affected by traffic. Please allow sufficient time between coach arrival and the opening of check-in for your flight - we recommend 1 hour.

Travelling to Heathrow

Travel times (subject to traffic conditions)

  • Oxford to Heathrow Terminal 5: 80 mins
  • Oxford to Heathrow Central Bus Station: 90 mins

Using Terminal 4? Free underground and shuttle trains are available for transfers between Terminals 2/3 and Terminal 4.

Using Terminals 2 or 3? Central Bus Station is a short walk from Terminals 2 & 3. Lifts, escalators and moving walkways are available to help with the journey. 

Using Terminal 5? Our airline coach leaves from stand 10 at the arrivals concourse to take you to Oxford. 

Stops in Oxford

Visual map of the airline bus stops in Oxford

Stops at Heathrow

Visual map of the airline bus stops in Heathrow Airport

Travelling to Gatwick

Travel times (subject to traffic conditions)

  • Oxford to Gatwick South Terminal: 2 hours 15 mins - 2 hours 50 mins
  • Oxford to Gatwick North Terminal: An additional 10 minutes from Gatwick South Terminal

Stops in Oxford

Visual map of the airline bus stops in Oxford

Stops at Gatwick

Visual map showing the Oxford airline stops at Gatwick Airport

Travelling from High Wycombe

Travel times (subject to traffic conditions)

  • High Wycombe, Coachway to Heathrow Terminal 5: 30 minutes
  • High Wycombe, Coachway to Heathrow Central Bus Station: 45 minutes
  • High Wycombe, Coachway to Gatwick North Terminal: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • High Wycombe, Coachway to Gatwick South Terminal: 1 hour 45 minutes

Stops in High Wycombe

Visual map of the airline bus stops in High Wycombe

Flying back to/from a different airport? No problem - if you are flying out of Gatwick and returning to Heathrow (or the other way around), buy a return ticket to Gatwick from your driver and it will be accepted on the return journey from either airport. Please note that this applies only to tickets purchased from the driver or on the key or the app, not the booking system.

It is not possible to upgrade Oxford-to-Heathrow 12-trip multi-trip or Oxford-to-Heathrow key card trips to Oxford-to-Gatwick alternatives so please select your desired airport carefully when purchasing your tickets.

Journey Time Allowance

Please remember to allow sufficient time between coach arrival and flight check-in for all journeys to the airports. We recommend at least 1 hour. 

Luggage Allowance

You are allowed to stow two suitcases (up to 20kg each) in the hold and take one small item of hand luggage on board the coach. A surcharge of £5 is payable per additional suitcase. 

Large items such as skis, trunks and cycles can only be transported if space permits and at the driver’s discretion. A surcharge of £5 is payable per large item. Items must be suitably packaged and we recommend that you take out insurance.