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  • Clive Booth Hall and Kings Mill Lane Stops Temporarily SUSPENDED

    7th - 17th Apr 2024

    Due to roadworks, the JR Hospital-bound Clive Booth Hall stop and the Abingdon-bound Kings Mill Lane stop will be temporarily suspended between 08/04 and 17/04. Temporary stops will be provided in close vicinity.

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Sorry, this service does not run in this direction on the provided date.

The times shown for 'Major Stops' are also known as 'Timing Points' which we use to regulate the service. These are the stops drivers will wait at if the bus arrives ahead of time. The times shown for all other stops are estimated, and drivers will not wait if arriving earlier. For this reason, we strongly recommend arriving at your stop around 5 minutes ahead of time. Any stops you have favourited will also show in the Major Stops view alongside the Timing Points for your convenience.