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Viewing the timetable for service NU1, 400, N400

Wheatley Campus to Harcourt Hill
via Headington, Brookes University, Oxford City Centre
  • Service Disruption

    11th Sep 2022 - 8th Jan 2023

    We are sorry for any disruptions to journeys that passengers may experience due to driver shortage. There is a national shortage of bus drivers, caused by multiple factors.
    When we are forced to cancel services, we do everything we can to prioritise less busy journeys for cancellation and to ensure updates are made available to customers as quickly as possible. Please check individual routes or our Service Updates page for details of cancellations.

    We are proactively looking for new candidates to join our driving team, and we offer attractive sign on bonuses to anyone with a bus driving licence. Bus driving is a hugely rewarding job and we’d encourage people to give it a go.

  • Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel network review

    25th Nov 2022 - 19th Jan 2023

    Following a detailed network review, Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel have announced a number of service changes to come in from 8th January 2023. Please click the link to find out more.

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Route map

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Sorry, this service does not run in this direction on the provided date.

The times shown for 'Major Stops' are also known as 'Timing Points' which we use to regulate the service. These are the stops drivers will wait at if the bus arrives ahead of time. The times shown for all other stops are estimated, and drivers will not wait if arriving earlier. For this reason, we strongly recommend arriving at your stop around 5 minutes ahead of time. Any stops you have favourited will also show in the Major Stops view alongside the Timing Points for your convenience.

Download PDF Timetables, maps and fares