20th March

The Crick Crack Club presents performance storytelling by Amelia Ace Armande, live streamed from the Woodshed Theatre. 


Dionysus thrice born. Dionysus girl-child. Dionysus vine-maker. Dionysus mountain-shaker... 

Dionysus is charged with the task of bringing joy to a world ravaged by the floods of Zeus. Their cult spreads, bringing all the world the Good News of Dionysus's gift of wine, and people flock to join Bacchic revels in the mountain glades. But when joy overflows the bounds of sanity and all is permitted, how far will Dionysus go to claim their place as a true God of Olympus? 


Unstopper the life story of the Greek God of the Vine with Amelia Ace Armande, pouring out heady tales of ecstasy, madness, conquest and resurrection. 

Both in-person and livestream tickets are available.: https://www.storymuseum.org.uk/whats-on/crick-crack-streaming-dionysus    



Prices start from £13.00

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